Boubou Hallberg, the new Chief Executive Officer of Sahlgrenska University Hospital, will be a keynote speaker at this year's Park Annual on November 9. We caught up with Boubou ahead of the event and asked him three quick questions...
Publish date:2023-10-23–Text:
Jamie Smith
What exciting challenges do you see when it comes to healthcare transition?
We cannot sit and watch from the stands, we have to get into the game, focus and face the fact that healthcare systems are in transition. As a university hospital, we have to lead from the front and contribute with smart innovations to meet the increased expectations from our patients. Together with our collaborative partners - our teammates - we will make the transition happen.
How is Sahlgrenska University Hospital gearing up to address these challenges?
Firstly, our finances have to be in balance. Otherwise, we can´t focus on transition. Region Västra Götaland has an excellent strategy for healthcare transition and Sahlgrenska University Hospital plays an important part in that. Collaboration with industry is crucial. Together, we´ll develop the treatments of the future. West Sweden and the Gothenburg region have a strong foundation to build on – we are champions in collaboration and establishing winning structures.
The theme of this year's Park Annual event is Next Generation. What does that mean to you?
Next generation is our future. As a paediatrician, I have a strong drive to give the next generation the best possible start in life. Next generation is also our future patients and they will expect healthcare to be accessible on demand. As CEO for Sahlgrenska University Hospital, I will do my best to give them the best possible care.