CO-AX accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park invites trailblazing healthtech entrepreneurs for spring 2024 intake Building on its legacy of fostering impactful healthtech innovations, the CO-AX accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park opens its doors f...
With passion for collaboration and innovation His main interest is to design solutions to needs in complex environments with a human-centered perspective, primarily as an imple...
MYoroface breaks new ground in UK MYoroface, company within Sahlgrenska Science Park community, has been granted the right to provide its product IQoro on prescription in the UK as of 1 May 2022.
Sahlgrenska Science Park facilitates recruitments through Jobbsprånget Three startups in the community have recruited new employees after Sahlgrenska Science Park facilitated connections with Jobbsprånget.
Think of an entrepreneur that deserves to be celebrated Nominate your candidate for the 5th Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park. The winner will be recognized at the virtual life science event Park Annual on 7 October 2021.
They set sales records in the middle of the crisis The corona crisis does not only mean layoffs and unemployment. In the midst of the pandemic, MYoroface, part of Sahlgrenska Science Park’...