Healthtech and sustainability belong together. This is the basic idea for the project “The World’s Most Sustainable Healthcare 2030,” in which Sahlgrenska Science Park is collaborating with Swecare, Medeon, Medicon Village and Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare.
Publish date:2019-01-29–Text:
Annika Åkervall
The vision is to create the world’s most sustainable healthcare system by 2030.
“We all need to think more sustainably on all levels,” says Åsa Lindström, project manager within the collaboration arena at Sahlgrenska Science Park and one of the members in the project team.
For example, a guide on important sustainability aspects relating to development within healthtech and life science will be produced. The purpose is to help companies identify areas for sustainable development.
Sustainability on the agenda
The Vinnova-financed project recently had a start-up meeting in Lund. Daniel Eriksson, founder of the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH) and the initiator of the project has already been interviewed in an article for Digital Hälsa (Digital Health), with the headline: “E-health can play a key role for sustainable health care”.
During 2019, a number of activities in the form of workshops will take place, including one on April 11 in Gothenburg.
An engine for innovation
The full project name is The World’s Most Sustainable Healthcare 2030 – An Engine for Swedish Innovation and Exports.
“Sweden is generally regarded as a world leader in sustainable healthcare. This has created an international expectation in relation to knowledge and collaboration. To meet this demand, the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH) was formed in 2015”, says Daniel Eriksson.
“Now, there is a need for an expanded focus on medtech and life science, as well as a vision that leads the way for Sweden to earn the right to call itself world leading in all aspects of sustainable healthcare.”
The aim is that sustainability will become an integrated part of all development within life science, healthtech and medtech, and be a contributing factor to strengthening the entire innovation and export area of sustainable healthcare.
Today, Sahlgrenska Science Park has a special focus on healthtech. The concept stands for applied digital technology that can give more people a healthier life and cost-effective, high quality care.
Facts: The project The World’s Most Sustainable Healthcare 2030 – An Engine for Swedish Innovation and Exports is financed by Vinnova, through an approved application to Vision-driven health (Visionsdriven hälsa).