China has come a long way in the transition from production to innovation. This made an impression on Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Chairman of the Board of Sahlgrenska Science Park, during her trip to Asia with the Royal Technology Mission (RTM).
Publish date:2019-01-23–Text:
Lizelotte Edvinsson
Asia is becoming increasingly important for the Swedish life science industry. Not least in West Sweden, where we see increased interest and several in-depth collaborations. Also, just before Christmas, the annual RTM delegation, organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), visited Hong Kong and Shenzhen in China, the world’s fastest growing mega city.
Marianne Dicander Alexandersson participated, together with business leaders and senior representatives from universities, research and development. In addition to knowledge exchange, the aim was to gain new insights, inspiration and contacts.
“Sweden is well placed on all global innovation measurements. But we can’t rest on our laurels. The pace in China is huge and we need to get a sense of urgency so that we don’t slip behind. We are strong in research and development, but we can be even better. Both in using it and converting it into innovation and knowledge transfer,” says Marianne Dicander Alexandersson.